Here we sit on November 2nd, the day that the league has set as the latest possible option to cram in a full 82-game schedule. With the league unwilling to move on their stance, forcing the players to negotiate off of their agenda, the outlook is gloomy in terms of getting a deal anytime soon, let alone in time for a full season. More and more players are packing up and heading overseas reminding us all that this could be a long, dreary winter with no NHL hockey.
Thank goodness for BizNasty right? Ok, so not everyone is a fan, but how can you not love this guy? He tells it like it is and is one of the boys, which is why this edition of the links is dedicated to him.
Michael Cammalleri punks his buddy Paul Bissonnette and one thing that this video reveals is that BizNasty is a genuine, good guy.
Anytime the President of the United States chimes in on hockey, people are going to listen. President Obama was on Jay Leno on Wednesday night and took the opportunity to encourage the two sides to get a deal done, if nothing else for the fans. Is it me or does the President look like he’s aged 15 years?
We have a new writer at our New York Islanders site – Eyes on Isles and he takes the time to chime in on the big news that the Islanders will be moving to Brooklyn. It’s a great read from a fan’s perspective.
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