Poll Results: Fans Would Stick it to Bettman Over Supporting Replacement Players

In our latest poll here at Gone Puck Wild we asked you the readers if you would support the idea of the NHL going the route of using replacement players.  The votes have been counted and a total of 245 were cast.  The results?  Fans would rather stick it to Gary Bettman and show him up than support replacement players.

Of the 245 votes cast, 45% of them were to stick it to the current NHL commissioner while 24% said they would not support the players because they’re done with the NHL entirely.

A surprising 20% voted for supporting the replacement players because hockey is hockey and they’re starving for it.  Only 11% voted for supporting the idea as a way to show up the current and locked out players.

There hasn’t been any talk of going the route of replacement players, not since mid-October when it was briefly mentioned on a few different websites.  This poll was a way to gauge the reader’s interest as to whether the idea, if it were to proceed, would have any merit with hockey fans.

Perhaps the most surprising statistic is the fact that only 11% voted to show up the players.  Does this mean that most hockey fans blame the owners at this state of the lockout?  Oddly enough that is the question of our next poll.  Who do you blame for the current state of the lockout? The players, owners or both?

Take part in our latest poll and let your voice be heard.